Dr. Frank Hagenow - Führen ohne Psyochotricks, Mit Ethik und Anstand Menschen gewinnen.
Mind Games
Win over people
with ethics and decency.

Seminar Series: Competent Leadership Without Mind Games 

Three Saturdays – three Competences (held in German language)

This series of seminars consists of three single seminar days. It takes up the contents of the lecture and addresses managers who want to position their company or themselves in the ever-changing competition based on ethics, decency and appreciation. The seminar highly focuses on the practical implementation in your personal setting.

Benefit from the experience and expertise of a competent communication psychologist.

The single seminar days can be booked individually.

Your Modular Seminar Programme

Module 1: Psychology of Communication for Managers (1 day)

This seminar offers a deep insight into the workings of interpersonal communication and possible disorders. This knowledge forms a stable basis for your daily management tasks, as management is always human interaction. This seminar builds the foundation for your communication without mind games.

Seminar Contents:

  • On the dark side of the force: Mind games on the executive floor
  • Recognizing, overcoming and avoiding mind games
  • Insights into psychological relations and mechanisms
  • The basis of successful communication: the three core competences for the communication professional

Module 2: Leading with Personality

Your personal leading competence determines your collective success as it lays the foundation for the future. Leading with ethics and decency creates sustainable competitive advantages. This seminar provides you with valuable tools and tips for your daily tasks as well as convincing arguments for a leadership style on eye-level.

Seminar Contents:

  • Analysis of your own leadership role
  • Reflecting and enhancing your leadership style
  • How to win over people with decency and respect
  • Identifying pitfalls and potentials for development

Module 3: Conflict Resolution: A Matter for the Boss

Dealing with conflict is a manager’s daily business. If it goes well you and your staff can benefit from the constructive potential of conflict situations. The seminar module provides insight into interpersonal communication patterns and psycho-dynamic processes. Create permanent trusting partnerships with customers and employees by extending your communication competences.

Seminar Contents:

  • Discover different types of conflict and their hidden backgrounds
  • Helpful interventions for managers to achieve win-win-situations
  • Mastering and applying different solution strategies
  • How to lead difficult conversations, bind employees and prevent inner resignation

Current Seminars


Seminar Module 1:
Psychology of Communication for Managers (1 day)




10 am – 5 pm



Ihre Investition:

€ 1.195,— (incl. VAT)


Seminar Module 2:
Leading with Personality (1 day)




10 am – 5 pm



Ihre Investition:

€ 1.195,— (incl. VAT)


Seminar Module 3:
Conflict Resolution: A Matter for the Boss (1 day)




10 am – 5 pm


Frankfurt a. Main

Ihre Investition:

€ 1.195,— (incl. VAT)

If you have any questions about Frank Hagenows seminar programme, please contact us! We are looking forward to receiving your E-mail.

What customers say
  • “Dr. Hagenow‘s speech was really both teaching and entertaining which is great! In today's world, there is no more learning process without fun and entertainment and he adapted this to his speech perfectly."

    Osman Yasin Tunçyürek, Alper Aydın, Business Development Specialists,
    Turkish Airlines.
  • "Beijing and China welcomed you with open arms. It was a scientifically and socially productive experience in Beijing.“

    Yongxiang Lu, President Chinese Academy of Science
  • "Thank you very much for your appearance, dear Dr. Hagenow. The feedback from all sides was very positive."

    Kai Sudmann, Member of the Board. H&S Hanseatic Legal AG
  • "Many thanks for the fantastic keynote speech. It was really great – I liked it a lot!"

    Thomas Schnehagen,
    Vertriebsmanager Deutschland Profile Dynamics Deutschland GmbH
  • "We look forward to seeing you in Granada and enjoying your company.“

    Dr. F. Santolaya Ochando, President of the Spanish Psychological Association (COP)
  • "Your keynote was a great experience. We would be pleased to see you soon again in Iceland. We feel it is very important to foster communication between Iceland and Germany with regards to new developments“

    Tinna Jóhönnudóttir, Psychologist, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • "His statements on leadership and attitude have carried us away and challenged us to allow and experience other points of view."

    Gerhard Ludwig, Deutsche Bahn AG
  • "Successful communication is a deciding competitive factor for our members. Dr. H. provided us with important and practicable impulses."

    Sabine Darjus, Member of the Board. Fahrlehrerverband Hamburg e. V.
  • "Many thanks for the lively, humorous, and interesting speech. Our guests and we ourselves were very pleased with your speech. It was very accomplished. We will gladly approach you again."

    Uwe Thillmann, Head of Department, Landesbetrieb Verkehr (LBV)
  • "Our staff received in Dr. H's events many helpful tips for an effective interaction with their clients"

    Beatrix Mund, Managing Director, Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein GmbH
  • "Dear Dr. H. Without you, the lecture could not have taken place in this extent and thematic richness."

    Prof. Dr. Anja Laue, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
  • "Great speech! Dynamic, diverse and exciting."

    Feedback of a participant, Bayerische Verwaltungsschule, München
  • "With his lively and humorous keynote speech, Dr. H. opened up a lot of new prospects"

    Mag. Cathrin Dorner, CEO Design & Ordnung, Linz, Austria
  • "Many thanks for the great keynote speech full of funny ideas!"

    Heike Hoch, Owner – Applaus. Das Institut für wertschätzende Kommunikation
Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Dr. Frank Hagenow anzeigen
Professional Speaker - GSA Professional Speaker - APSS Member GSF Professional Member NSA Dr. Frank Hagenow bei Die Führungskräfte Dr. Frank Hagenow im Brainguide Dr. Frank Hagenow ist Vertragspartner der Haufe Akademie Dr. Frank Hagenow bei GABAL Logo Certified Speaking Professional Dr. Frank Hagenow, CSP